How do I access my pre-booked interactive roundtables?
If you have booked onto an interactive roundtable you may access your session through the Zoom link in the calendar invite sent to you by laura.finn@1lod.com. If you have not received this invite please contact Laura.

Can I join an interactive roundtable if I have not booked in advance?
There might be space left on some roundtables, please contact Laura for details.

How can I interact with other delegates?
  • View profiles and contact each other before, during and after the event via the ‘Attendees’ tab on the menu bar at the top of the page.
  • Participate via the Q&A function during the interactive question and answer sessions at the end of each debate accessed through the ‘Agenda’ tab.
  • Join the interactive roundtables (see above)
What happens if I miss a session?
If you missed, or want to re-watch the keynote addresses or debates, you can access this content through the ‘Agenda’ tab once the session has taken place. This content will remain available to registered delegates on this platform for 7 days after the Deep Dive. Please note that the interactive roundtables are private and not available on-demand.

Are media present at this Deep Dive?
To encourage openness of discussion, this Deep Dive is closed to the press.

Is this Deep Dive run under Chatham House Rule/ off the record?
Yes, this Deep Dive is held off the record and under the Chatham House Rule. This means that delegates are free to use the information received, however, that information cannot be linked back to an individual. For example, after the event, in any email communications or posts on LinkedIn, quotes cannot be attributed to an individual.

How do I contact the Deep Dive team?
  • For issues related to interactive roundtables contact Laura Finn
  • For technical issues contact Laura Finn
  • For all other enquires contact Megan Mahoney